Sanctuary Event: Art + Alchemy : Co Creation in the Forest October 13-20, 2019
Mz. imani
I am drawn to those who are wise in ways beyond their years, and willing to make time for the magic of wellness to unfold and blossom, in self, community and other.
As Curator of SoulFire Sanctuary, I am a ceremony woman who is a musician, a mother and grandmother, a drummer and alchemist. I am one who is a practicing planetary healing as a weaver and a conduit of the universal downloads and uploads in this “spiral of consciousness” we are a part of. My unique dance with community, music, dance, sacred space, the eARTh and the universe, has always felt to be a pART of a shift in how we relate to each other and in conscious evolution.
I am pleased to collaborate with those who also hold capacity to catalyze great change, through validation, Art in Action and returning power, to the individual and the creator, who in collaboration, can then turn Raw Power, into rite action.